
Case In Point

Tonight, I was bringing E a very small drink of water, and was standing on his bunkbed ladder watching him drink it when he said "Do I have to drink the whole thing now?" and gave me a look. A look like I was putting him through some strange mother-son hazing ritual and forcing him to drink a giant glass of water right before he went to sleep, in order to torture both of us with the inevitable soggy outcome...

"I'm just waiting here to tuck you in!" I exclaimed, "Unless you no longer need my tuck ins!" (and at this point, because he is well-trained, he protested, but I persisted:) "In which case, I guess you no longer need a mother!"

"But that's not the only reason you need a mother!"

"Oh, ok," I relented, "so what are these other reasons?"

"To take care of you.  And to love you."

How is that amount of sweetness possible?

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