

If you haven't heard of Zhu Zhu pets, I hope you remain ignorant.

I am not so lucky.  My poor son and I traipsed all over town today looking for the darned things to give as a birthday present to D's niece (whose birthday was more than 2 weeks ago, by the way...we're terrible...).  It was after dinner, and after a long day, and E was being extremely good, but I could tell it was wearing on him, because he was starting to lose control of his limbs.  I'll explain in some other post, but it's hilarious.  He starts to lose coordination, I'm serious.

Anyway, we had just come out of Wally World, which happened to have one Zhu Zhu product, but not the one we were searching for (I bought it anyway, as surety against further disappointment).  And I had put a cardigan on whilst in the Big W, since fall is in the air and all that.  But apparently E missed that development in his sleepiness.

Because while we were trudging into Toys 'R Us, he put his hand on my arm, and jumped about a mile in the air, then exclaimed, "I thought you were turning into a BEAR!"

I laughed so hard that I cried.


I Haven't Been Around in a While...

But I'm baaaaaack!

Quick update, just to get things rolling.  Jess, I heard your complaint, I just had to finish Step 2 before I let anything else fun happen in my life...

My sister moved to New Orleans to go to law school.  She is Legally Blonde-ing it up down there, and having a blast.  I'm so jealous.

My brother moved to the LA area to go to film school.  He is taking gorgeous pictures and eating Filipino food, and having a blast.  I'm so jealous.

So now it's just me, my boys, and the rents here in the city!

My life path took a rather abrupt turn at the onset of my surgery rotation last May, with the result that I'm deserting pediatrics for general surgery! The residency application process started up officially on September 1st and I've already applied to 30 places.  Because I'd really like to get a job...

E finished up a semester of piano lessons with his first piano recital.  It was adorable, and he performed wonderfully.  Unfortunately, due to our time constraints, we had to pick between soccer and piano this semester.  And piano we can provide, but soccer is a little more difficult when you only have one 6-year-old on your team.  So piano is currently being provided by my long-suffering mother.  She's awesome.

We went to Dallas, San Antonio, and South Padre Island for our vacation this summer.  And then E traveled to Branson and South Dakota with various in-laws.  Craziness.

Newest on the lifestyle adjustments is finding a babysitter.  It's a drama, but we finally (may have) found someone.  We're meeting her tomorrow, and if she's at all normal and safe to be around children, she's going to get paid a lot to make my life much easier.  So I'm looking forward to it.

That's about it for now! I'm glad you stuck around, if you're reading this...