
Welcome Home

We just celebrated the baptism of our niece, LM, who is 3 months old.  My sister-in-law and her husband asked D & I to stand as godparents, a role that we are so proud to have. She was baptized in the church where D & I grew up, the same place we were married. She was wearing a traditional baptismal gown, all white and lacy, the kind that makes all the females in the room exclaim "Oh, how cuuuuuuute!" She solemnly examined our faces as our family affirmed an ancient set of beliefs, and her parents promised to guide and nurture her. Not a peep escaped her as the priest blessed her tiny head with the holy water. And tears were in my eyes as we officially welcomed her into our faith.

I'm a sucker for pomp and circumstance.

Just think how bad I'll be if she ever gets married...

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