
Let's Get This in Writing

There are some people in our neighborhood who go all out with their outdoor Christmas decorations. I mean, competition-light-up-the-sky-cause-global-warming all out. So of course we drive by their house multiple times a week.

Which is kind of creepy, because inevitably the Pater Familia is standing at the screen door, waving to the almost incessant stream of car-gawkers driving by. I guess he just loves watching other people that much...

They have a big "Toys for Tots" collection bin in their driveway and a large T for T sign at the neighborhood entrance directing people to see their house, so I have good evidence to assume that they're rather heavily involved with said organization.

Regardless, the first time I saw their house lit up thus, we drove back and forth a couple of times so I could fully appreciate it (my husband and son having been aware of its glories already). As we left, I said (semi-jokingly) to my husband: "When we're old and have nothing else to spend our money on, I want to do that."

My son piped up from the backseat: "Don't worry about that, because when I'm grown up, I'll owe you some money, so I'll give it to you and you can use it for that."

I'm glad he's fully aware of his filial obligations.

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