
Boys Just Wanna Have Fun

Recent exchange with E...

Me: Hey, E, we're gonna get a new car soon. Does that sound like a good idea?

E: [Dawning hope in eyes, accompanied by several Hummer-shaped stars...]

Me: But it's NOT going to be a Hummer.

E: [Pouting]

Exchange with E after buying said new car...

Me: Do you like the car, even though it's not a Hummer?

E: Yes. But we're going to call it a Transformer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome. I was filling out Transformer and Spiderman themed invitations all evening. E got a Transformer invite.

Speaking of cute things they say, this morning on the way to daycare, N asked me if the sun was up (it was really rainy at the time), and I told him it was, it was just hiding behind the clouds. His response: "I don't like it. I don't want the world to feel like this."
