I really don't have the time for blogging right now, but to boost the number of "May" Posts over there in the nifty right-hand column, I suppose I should post something, huh?
Finals start Monday, which is why I've been in absentia for so long. Poor E has been suffering through day-long fun times with Nanay and Poppa. I'm sure he misses me tons. NOT. They get to do fun stuff like go to the zoo and go see "Meet the Robinsons" and play at the playground, while I sit in the bookstore and study. I'm so jealous.
Random story ahead:
My dad bought one of those "SLOW! Children playing" signs to use at their house when they're playing with E outside. I think he bought it more for the reason that he likes to pretend it's "slow children" instead of "slow, children", rather than for any belief in its inherent safety value. On the way to drop E off at my parents' house one morning, E said "Mom, Poppa bought me a sign that says 'Children playing slow.'" I said, "I know, he told me." E: "Well, I don't want it to say 'Children playing slow'! I want it to say 'Children playing fast'!"
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