
Books and Brilliance

My conversations with E:

"What was your bad thing that happened today?"
"Well, a lot of sad things happened in my book, so that was bad."
"What kind of sad things?"
"Mom! I can't tell you, I'd ruin it for you! I really want you to read it, I think you'd enjoy it."
"Oh, ok. What do you like about it?"
"I like the way you can see the things it's talking about. {sigh} Don't you just love how books can transform your world?"

"Why is gas so expensive? Oh, wait, I know, it's because it's so difficult to obtain. Did you know that in the year 2745 we're going to run out of coal, gas and all our resources? I hope I don't like a miracle life and live to see that, because that will be a sad day."
"Well, we've got several hundred years, maybe we'll figure something else out before then."
"That would take a brilliant scientist."
"That's true.  Maybe that brilliant scientist could be you!"
"No way, mom. There's no way that I could be that 1 in 1000 scientists that would be that brilliant."
"Why not?"
"Well, I've only had two good ideas my whole life, and both of them already existed..."